Mildenhall Anglican Church

 From Sunday 26th March the church will close at 6pm and Compline will be 7.45-8pm

St. Mary�s Mildenhall Church Tower Appeal

Your parish church needs to raise £21,000 for essential repairs to the church tower. This tower has stood for 600 years and now needs your help to meet cost to make it safe.

We are reliant on donations

Please can you help ?

If you are able to donate �

cheques should be made payable to St. Mary�s church building fund. Cheques and cash can be posted through the door of 8 Church Walk, Mildenhall IP28 7ED

If you are able to help in selling church guide books in aid the of tower fund on a Friday morning, please sign up

The Mildenhall Area Open the Book Team is looking for volunteers to join their group of story tellers

We visit 4 primary schools in the Mildenhall area and use stories, drama and songs to tell a 15-minute bible story to the children and staff during their school assembly 
  • The team visits Gt. Heath, St. Mary�s, West Row and Beck Row Schools each half term

  • We meet for 2 rehearsals before the presentations but no need to learn lines as we read from our script

  • So if you like to read stories, take part in drama or help with props and would like to be involved in bringing the bible to life for our children then for further information contact Caroline Butcher on 07879 857015.

    Summer celebration at

    St. Ethelbert�s Church in Herringswell

    on Sunday 2nd July at 4.00pm There will be a simple service of words and music including bell-ringing and organ recital by a renowned organist, followed by afternoon tea. Please come and join in. The bell ringing will feature the NW District Ringing Master and her colleagues and our own bell ringer. Our unique chamber organ will be expertly played by Alan Wilson, composer and organist at St. Mary-le-Bow, who regularly directs and composes for BBC Radio 4 Daily service

    Homemade cakes, biscuits and scones will be served with tea and soft drink

  • St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds

    Saturday 1 July 9.45am � 3.45pm
    Like a cartwheel with many spokes, the different ways to pray lead to God, the centre of all things. Choose from the various workshops and hear from Bishop Mike Harrison and Canon John Parr about their experience of prayer and choose from the various workshops

    The workshops will run twice in the day. Please indicate your top three choices when you book and you will be allocated two:

    • Praying the Lord�s Prayer

    • Praying by Breathing

    • Praying the Daily Office

    • Praying with Art

    • Praying for novices

    • Praying the Labyrinth

    • Praying with characters in John�s Gospel

    • Praying Outside

    This event is free, but donations will be welcome. Drinks (but not lunch) will be provided.
    This is part of the ongoing Diocesan prayer and spirituality initiatives aiming to continue to foster and develop an awareness of and attentiveness to the loving presence of God in all we do

    To register please go to  Enquiries to Caroline Redman at or phone 01359 269335.

    Blue bin recycling

    Please make sure we only use the blue bin for clean, dry paper, card, cardboard, aluminimum cans and plastics which can be recycled.(mostly bottles and biscuit tin liners) Little bits of plastic bags and cellophane etc. cannot go in the blue bin. In church we collect items for the blue bin in the small grey bins � please make sure you have emptied your cup before putting it in the bin.

    Thank you

    First Aid box alert

    While we hope First Aid will not be needed- if you are not already aware- the First aid box is on the bottom shelf of the hymn book trolley nearest to the main door.

    Or at least it should be there somewhere- sometimes it gets pushed to the back, hidden behind a box or buried under papers. Please can we make sure that it is always quickly and easily accessible by keeping it at the front of the shelf and free of any obstructing items. Thank you.



    News for your interest and for your help in putting into action:

    1. The grass in the area under the trees opposite the north door is beginning to grow, so the red fencing will be taken away. However, we still need to let this grass become established. So, please avoid parking here. There are now signs on the spaces next to the Cottage rooms as a reminder that these are for people coming to the church who have limited mobility.

    2. The fire policy requires a 2nd exit to be open - this will usually be the south door. We will need to do a fire drill in a service soon- as soon as we have the welcome team primed about their roles.

    3. Please continue to help to keep distractions to a minimum, by waiting to move from, or to your seat during a pause in the service or a hymn. This is especially so during for example the important time of banns being read, the quiet of prayers, of notices being given, or other times of focusing and listening. Thank you.

    4. At a Holy Communion service, for health reasons, as an alternative to taking wine from the chalice, we have some small cups to save you trying to dip your bread in the chalice and the problems that come from this. So, please allow the Holy Communion assistant to give you a small cup and then give it back to them after you have drunk the wine. Thank you.  
    5. The church may stay open until 8pm on light evenings to allow more people to visit.

    6. If you would like to make your gifts to the church by a standing order directly into the church account this would be very welcome. If you are giving in this way, please do not feel that you need to put something on the plate when it passes. Or, if you feel strongly that you would like to have something to put on the plate, we could make a card for you to put on, as a symbol of your gift.

    7. If you would like to set up a standing order please speak to Stephanie Palmer. Also, please see her if you area tax payer and you have not yet signed a Gift Aid declaration. This enables the church to reclaim the tax that you have paid on which will increase your gift at no extra cost to yourself. Thank you.